Saturday, April 10, 2010

This and that

Just a few things tonight:
1)I hate mice. Like,really dislike them. I found myself thinking how stupid live traps are. WHY would you want to release a mouse outside only to find them in your house again? Stupid. I guess I'm glad anyone involved with PITA doesn't read my blog

2) I'm tired. We planted some veggies in our garden today(only the ones that will tolerate the cold nights and possible frosty mornings). Cabbage, broccoli, turnip seeds, pea sets. We also planted and early girl tomato up by the house. I'm hoping it thrives like the one we had last year.

3)I can't stop thinking about that mouse

4) Kruse is almost 10.5 months old. He tried to stand up without holding on to anything yesterday. He promptly tucked, and rolled about 3 times. AJ found this amusing.

5) We went to the park today and there were some awesome prospects for people watching. I mean.. wow.. some people.

6) I wish my children didn't wake up so early in the morning. They always wake up at the same time no matter how late they fall asleep

I have several more things on my mind, but I'm too tired to type anything else.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

this and that

My kids have been ill for 2 weeks. Runny nose, fevers, chills, throw up. I'm done with the winter sickness. Too many germs.
It has also been snowing for 2 days. I love the snow. Yesterday there were ginantic snowflakes that were falling. love it!
AJ is getting restless. He wants to go outside, but bundling up Kruse isn't an option.
Kruse is now pulling up to a standing position for about a week now. He's getting so big. AJ has been using more new phrases as well. His new phrase is "AJ too busy"
for example. I say "AJ let's go brush your teeth" and AJ will say "No momma, AJ too busy"

Thursday, January 28, 2010

He loves me

Kruse loves me. He likes for me to hold him. I had to do the dishes so I put some toys on a blanket and closed the gate so he couldn't crawl on my gross kitchen floor. I should really mop more often.

He was very sad when he couldn't have me, but big brother gave him some love.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Our poor pup

Vito tore the pad on his right front paw. He was perfectly content licking it, but it won't heal that way so I had to wrap it. Thank goodness I have a good boss that let me go and get the supplies and antibiotics I needed even though the clinic was closed.
Vito is not a fan of the bandage. He now has bandage paralysis. He thinks that leg doesn't work even though the bandage just covers his foot. He also has to take antibiotics. His world is crashing down on him. One last thing to send him over the edge.. bitter apple spray that we apply to his foot so he doesn't chew the bandage off. He's pretty sure he's the most miserable dog ever. Such a rough life he has. Oh, and no chasing the ball until after his foot heals.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Another day

Last night was a long one. AJ decided that he wanted to keep getting out of bed...all...night....long. This picture makes me laugh and keeps my spirit light, haha.
Anyways today my motivation was minimal. It is cold and rainy. We retired to our pj's at 3 today. No shame.

Kruse also went from a crawling position to sitting. It was his first time and I missed it! I walked out of the room for 15 seconds, if that, and when I came back he was sitting up! It's strange to see my baby grow so fast. I don't remember AJ's baby-hood going by so fast! :(

Speaking of AJ, he is silly and I love him. He really has a wild imagination and I love it!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

AJ the climber

AJ learned how to climb to the top of his bunk bed. Oh joy. We even made it so he couldn't reach the ladder part of the bed. It's against the wall. He monkeyed his way up the side anyway. He also climbed on top of Luca's kennel a few times today. He's exploring his new found talent. Lord help my nerves.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The mind of a 2 year old

I really wonder what goes on in AJ's head. He has such a wild imagination. His latest game is to go hunting for monsters. SO funny! I've also been trying to toilet train him, and that is going fairly well. He had a day where he wanted his "baby diaper" back on. He only has had a few potty accidents and no poo accidents yet. Stickers, m&ms, and pretzels are keeping him motivated (and I'm sad to say so has his paci). Am I a terrible mother for rewarding him with a few minutes of paci time? Maybe. It's working though!
Kruse has been having rough nights. He wakes up at 4 or 4:30 and he seems eager to sleep eat, but pulls off and just cries. It hit me today that he might be teething again. I wish I would have thought about it for the past 3 nights as I'm trying to console an inconsolable child at 4:30 am!!
On to other news...
I wents grocery shopping alone today. Alex stayed homw with the kiddos and I had some free time. I alsp got my hair cut. I.Hate.It
I have bangs. Did I want short bangs? No I did not. I wanted the pretty Rashida Jones swoopy to the side long pretty bangs. I got my old ugly high school bangs. I haven't had bangs in 10 years. *sigh* They will grow out. Now I'm just tryong to figure out how to not go out into public until they grow out again.....probably not possible, right?
Oh, Alex said AJ dropped hisa paci in the toilet. Instead of just sticking his hand in the toilet like a tough guy he goes and uses my good stainless steel serving spoon. Nice.